Health Check Packages

Health Check Packages
Apollo pro health advanced platinum health programme male
Apollo pro health advanced platinum health programme male In Bangalore
Checkup amount:
₹ 46800/-


  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Post Prandial Sugar
  • Glycosylated Hemoglobin
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH]
  • Growth Hormone - Serum


  • Renal Function Tests
  • Urine Routine (CUE)


  • Stool Occult Blood
  • Stool Routine


  • 25-OH Vitamin D
  • DEXA - Bone Density: Dual Femur


  • Liver Function Tests
  • Ultrasound - Whole Abdomen


  • X-Ray Chest PA and LAT
  • Spirometry (Basic Pulmonary Function Test)


  • Lipid Profile (Fasting)
  • Lipoprotein (a) - Serum
  • APO Lipoprotein AI - Serum
  • APO Lipoprotein B - Serum
  • ECG
  • 2D Echo
  • TMT
  • 64 Slice CT-Angio


  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA Total) - Serum


  • Hemogram
  • Blood Grouping & Typing
  • Serum Electrolytes
  • Serum Calcium
  • Homocysteine
  • Phosphorus, Inorganic - Serum
  • Plasma Fibrinogen
  • C-Reactive Protein CRP
  • HBsAg - ELFA
  • Anti HCV - ELFA


  • Physician Consultation
  • General Surgeon Consultation (For Men)
  • Cardiology Consultation*
  • Vision Check
  • ENT Check
  • Dental Check
  • Diet & Lifestyle Counselling

Please Read The Following Instruction Carefully Before Your Health Check

  • Kindly take prior appointment. Apollo Health Check begins at 8.00 am.
  • Appointments for packages that require you to be on empty stomach are givenonly up to 10.30 am, as fasting blood investigations done later in the day donot give an accurate outcome.
  • Please come on an empty stomach, i.e you need to be fasting overnight;however, you are advised to have 2-3 glasses of plain water before coming for your health check, to facilitate an ultrasound on full bladder.
  • If pregnant, you will need to furnish a prescription advising an ultrasound. Thedoctor’s name and DMC (Delhi Medical Council) registration number must bementioned clearly on the prescription. It is a statutory requirement withoutwhich we will not be able to conduct the ultrasound.
  • Kindly bring your morning samples of urine and stool, if part of yourpackage, in clean dry containers. (Containers can be collected a day inadvance from the Apollo Health Check Department or from any nearbychemist).
  • In case you are on any medication, please bring them with you and take themafter your breakfast as you go through your health check. If you experienceany discomfort, we shall have you meet our physician immediately.
  • If you are diabetic, do not take insulin in the morning; the same can be taken along with breakfast, after fasting blood sample and ultrasound have been done.
  • If you are a smoker, please do not smoke on the day of your health check.
  • Ladies are advised NOT to undergo their health check during menstrual cycle.
  • Ladies undergoing Whole Body Check and Well Woman Check, are advisedNOT to use deodorants, perfumes or talcum powders on the day of healthcheck
  • For Child Health Check, children need not be on empty stomach. Sample ofstool and urine are to be brought in dry, clean containers
  • Please wear loose, comfortable clothes and footwear, as you may need to change into a hospital gown during some of the investigations
  • If desired, you may bring one attendant along; the attendant shall not be a childbelow 12 years of age
  • Please report at the Apollo Health Check (AHC) Centre at Gate No. 2, FirstFloor “A” Wing at the appointed time
  • If you are diabetic, or have high blood pressure, or are pregnant, or have anyother clinical condition, please inform the AHC reception staff at the time ofregistration
  • If you are diabetic, you SHALL NOT accept the glucose drink that is given to
    non-diabetics after the first blood sample is taken.
  • If pregnant or suspecting pregnancy, you SHALL NOT undergo X-ray,mammography or bone densitometry
  • On Day One, you will undergo all investigations and consultation with the physician;
    your review with the physician along with all reports and summary will be fixed for Day Two, except for Whole Body Check packages, where your review appointment will be fixed for Day Three.
  • Avoid carrying your valuables along. Avoid wearing any kind of jewelleryfor your health check-up. Keep minimal belongings.
We are here to help you
Contact us for assistance
Bangla Health Connect in Bangladesh is the authorized representative of Apollo Hospitals India to assist in booking doctor appointments and coordinate travel plans for patients travelling to Apollo Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai & Ahmedabad.
What our customers are saying about us
I am really grateful to their team.They are very active in their profession. If somebody likes take treatment in Chennai Apollo Hospital, you can take help from them. They provide everything you need.
Rabi Sanyal
আপনাদের ধন্যবাদ দেয়ার ভাষা আমার জানা নেই, ভিসা ইনভাইটেশন থেকে শুরু করে এয়ারপোর্ট পিক এন্ড ড্রপ সার্ভিস, দেশে আসার পরে রিপোর্ট দেয়া, অসাধারণ। অন্তরের অন্ত:স্থল থেকে ধন্যবাদ। আল্লাহ আপনাদের মংগল করুন ❤️
Engr. Saad
I am very thankful to Apollo Information Center specially to Ms. Sanzida for guiding me properly. I am astonished how she approach me everything politely. Honestly for the first time I feel that the service was world-class by Ms Sanzida. I pray for her.
Md. Ariful Islam
Bangla health connect এর সার্ভিস গ্রহন করি আমার বাবার চিকিৎসার জন্য।প্রতিষ্ঠানের কর্মকর্তা ইশরাত জাহান অত্যন্ত আন্তরিক।তার সার্বিক সহযোগিতায় আমি কৃতজ্ঞ।
Mazharul Islam Maruf
The lady named Sadia did a very good job . She helped me in every possible way. Very helpful,well mannered. They response very quickly . If you have any queries just text them ,they will do the rest. Best wishes for them. Always thankful to the team.Go Ahead and keep doing good works .May Allah bless you All
Tanha Tabassum Arshi GUB
অসাধারণ সার্ভিস এই ইনফরমেশন সেন্টারের,বিশেষত তাদের ব্যাবহার অনেক সুন্দর। যারা অসুস্থ থাকেন তারা সর্বদা দুশ্চিন্তায় থাকেন। সে সময় যদি কেউ হাসি মুখে পাশে থাকেন তার থেকে আনন্দের বোধকরি কিছু হয় না। apollo information centre তেমনই একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান। তাছাড়া অনলাইনে ডাক্তরদের সাথে রোগী দেখানোর সময় তারা যে ভাবে সাহায্য করেন, নিজেরা প্যানেলে থেকে ভাষাগত ভাবে হেল্প করেন, বাস্তবিক সেটা প্রশংসার দাবিদার। বিশেষত ইসরাত জাহান আপু টেলিমেডিসিন পরিসেবা গ্রহণের সময় যে ভাবে হেল্প করেন,রোগীর প্রতিটি কথা ইংরেজিতে অনুবাদ করে ডাক্তারকে বলেন,আবার ডাক্তার সাহেবের কথা বাংলায় বুঝিয়ে দেন।সেটা এক কথায় অসাধারণ।তারপর, দ্রুত রোগীদের কাছে প্রেসকিপশন পাঠানোর ব্যাবস্থা করেন।এগুলা সম্পূর্ণ আন্তরিকতার পরিচয় বহন করে। আমি এই প্রতিষ্ঠানের সমৃদ্ধি কামনা করি।
Debangshu Das
Apollo Information Center is a helpful and easy media to get medical assistance from Apollo Hospitals in India.
Nino Rahman
Received timely and speedily support from Apollo Information Center, Dhaka for making appointment with Physicians of Apollo hospital, Chennai. The employees of this center were outstandingly cooperative,. Especially name of Anjum is worth mentioning in this regard.
Tarequl Alam Khan
Apollo Information Center, Dhaka was very quick to arrange Medical Visa Invitation Letter and managed appointment with doctor. Employees in Dhaka center are very generous and cooperative
Md Mobasher Hossain
It was a pleasant experience having interacted with Health Connect, more notably it’s representative Ms. Sunjida Sayed, in connection with my medical check-up at Apollo, Chennai Hospital. Her level of professionalism was outstanding, let alone the special touch of care in every bit of synergy. It means a lot to a patient looking for medical support.
Khondker Hafiz
Thanks to Ms. Anjuman Ara for the efficient arrangement. Thanks to the doctors (Dr. Reddi, Dr. Jeenat and Dr. Srinivas) for their sincere treatment of my son Amitabh Khan.
Barnali Mondal